Staff Executive Committee

Mission of the Staff Executive Committee

  • The Staff Committee exists to support all Pitt SSW staff by acting as the intermediary between the staff and the administrative leadership of the school. The committee is responsible for working to create a positive culture and climate for all staff, to address staff concerns and grievances, and to provide staff with resources and knowledge as well as opportunities to engage and connect with each other and the university staff as a whole. 
  • Strategic Priorities for 2023
    • 1. Create a positive, fun, and supportive culture and climate among staff in the SSW.
    • 2. Create a grievance policy that meets Pitt guidelines and develops a supportive process for addressing staff concerns. 
    • 3. Create a stronger Committee presence so that all staff know where to turn for support, guidance, and to share ideas. 

Committee Members

Staff Feedback

Anonymous survey where staff can share issues and concerns at any time