International Social Work Alumni Profile: Medha Kadri

Medha Kadri

What year did you graduate? 


What is your current position/organization?

Curriculum Developer for Anti Human Trafficking Units in Telangana, India.

It's a short term project with British Deputy High Commission, Tharuni (NGO) and Telangana State Police as the stakeholders.

How did you land in your current position?

An old colleague in India recommended me for the position and Tharuni (NGO) then reached out to me and interviewed me for the position in October 2020.

What do you do in your current position?

I developed training material for police personnel in 310 Anti Human Trafficking Units in Telangana. I also created content for the first of its kind knowledge portal on human trafficking in India. Additionally, stakeholder networking and collaboration, logistical support and sustained interaction with the police for their inputs for training were a part of my job. 

How has the education you received at Pitt Social Work helped you in your career?

Intergroup dynamic and group facilitation have come in handy through out this project. 

How has COVID-19 affected your work?

Beginning with the hiring freeze in America, after a taxing job hunt, I returned to my home - India. Within a month, fortunately, I was taken on board for one of the most impactful projects I have been a part of. While working from home was allowed, most of my job involved discussions with stakeholders and the trainees in person.

Developing curriculum for an online training is way more challenging as I could not incorporate activity based learning at every step of the way.

What is ahead for you in 2021?

As my current project is coming to an end, I am transitioning out of my current role into another exciting position at the Dr. Reddy's Foundation as the Program Manager  (School Health), India. I will be anchoring a new program around child/adolescent health and behavioral issues in public schools in South India, with a special focus on schools in tribal areas. 

Im looking forward to making a deep dive into Education/School sector as that's where my passion lies. No matter what role I take up in the future, I want it to be impacting the teaching-learning space.