CMU study on CBT training (among social workers) and opportunities for collaboration

Assistant Professor Nev Jones is working with a group at CMU that she's been collaborating with for a while (Travis Labrum is also involved in this project). The project is led by a group within CMU's Human Computer Interaction Institute (HCII), including a postdoc whose work primarily focuses on building LLM AI adapative training programs for clinicians. She already has a prototype CBT training app, but is looking to further adapt to the actual challenges social workers face (e.g. including social and structural determinants).

At any rate, if anyone is teaching a relevant class and would mind sharing the attached flyer with SSW students, that would be much appreciated. If anyone is interested in collaborating on this, please just let Dr Jones know: The CMU team is very interested in submitting grant proposals to further expand this work in collaboration with the SSW.

Also adding that they are also currently looking for anyone who considers themselves proficient in CBT and would have time to work on individual case examples / material they're integrating. And this is not just faculty or students – if anyone knows an interested practicing clinician that would be fantastic too.