Xenophobia and COVID-19: Strategies to Support Asian American Communities Training Video

Training Description

This one hour lecture goes into an in-depth discussion on how xenophobia towards Asian American communities have increased in response to Covid-19. Dr. Richard M. Lee discusses the history of xenophobia towards Asian Americans in the U.S. and how they have bceen the target since the pandemic started. The lecture also gives information on how Asian American families can teach younger generations on how to respond to the xenophobia.

Training Objectives

  • Learn why Asian Americans are facing xenophobia during COVID-19
  • Learn how to respond to the current racism happening towards Asian Americans
  • ​Learn the history of stereotyping towards Asian Americans


Richard M. Lee, Ph.D. is a professor of psychology and Asian American studies at the University of Minnesota. He attended Simon’s Rock College of Bard, Boston College (BA), and Virginia Commonwealth University (PhD). Dr. Lee is a fellow of APA Division 17 (Society of Counseling Psychology) and Division 45 (Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race) and the Asian American Psychological Association. He is a founding member and chair-elect of the Asian Caucus of the Society for Research on Child Development. From 2011-2013, he served as President of the Asian American Psychological Association. He is the current Editor for Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology (2015-2019). His research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. If you liked this video then check out more information on the Center on Race and Social Problems 

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