Reflecting on the news from Memphis

Dear SSW students --

I want to make sure that everyone saw the university's statement on Tyre Nichols' murder in Memphis and the opportunities for support and gathering that are being provided.  

For our school, I know that we are reeling from what many of us watched (or, if we chose not to watch, are aware is being circulated). I am thinking of you all today -- we are affected, in different ways, by what occurred. For some in our school, this is deeply personal -- impossible to disentangle from ever-present fears for the safety of self, children, spouses, parents, siblings, loved ones, and friends. For all of us, it should be deeply personal -- this is what white supremacy is, and this is a manifestation of one fraction of what we need to be constantly fighting to dismantle! And, it should ignite deep thinking and reckoning with our field's role in systems of oppression, accountability, and recreating our society's systems, structures, and practices. I am thinking of you today and I am thinking of us as we move forward.

We already have a gathering planned on Monday -- coincidentally -- that will give us a chance to come together. Monday, 11:30-1:00, Room 2017 Cathedral is already scheduled as our first "Lunch with the Dean" for the semester. We had no agenda, so we can use this time as you all would like -- to come together, talk with each other, find community, talk about what we're feeling, plans for action, what we hope we can do, etc. Please join us if you are available and interested!

Please take care -- of yourselves and each other! Our society brings us frequent reminders of its deep and pervasive problems -- of racism, oppression, violence, and systemic abuse/inequities. I hope that we can all come together to also build on our values -- as a profession -- to fight for justice and equity, to recognize the value and worth of others, to find strength in each other and community, and to hold ourselves and others accountable for making this world better and creating the kinds of systems, practices, policies, and professionals  that will demand and create equity, justice, opportunities, and respect.

In solidarity,
